
Four patients receiving etretinate as long-term therapy were examined. The accumulated dosage was 135 g for Patient 1, about 80 g for Patients 2 and 3, and 31 g etretinate and 4.8 g etretine (Ro 10-1670; main metabolite of etretinate) for Patient 4. Clinical examinations, visual fields (Haitz, Amsler, Goldmann), and EOGs (two patients) were normal. Patient 1 (135 g) showed a decreased level of rod sensitivity at dark adaptation (Goldmann-Weekers), whereas the cone responses were regular in all cases. Furthermore, Patient 1 showed reduced scotopic ERG amplitudes. Aside from this, photopic and scotopic ERGs were normal as far as a- and b-wave amplitudes and peak latencies were concerned. The flicker fusion frequencies were found to be regular. The peak latencies of the R2-component of the early receptor potentials seemed rather short. In all four patients alterations of color sense were analyzed in the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue test. The color sense defect seems to originate in the blue-yellow spectrum and--at higher dosages--extends to the red-green spectrum. Examinations with the anomaloscope revealed deuteranomalous settings. Ophthalmological checks for patients receiving long-term aromatic retinoid therapy are recommended, especially with regard to dark adaptation and color sense.

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