
As the 50th anniversary of April 25th approaches, an exploratory study has been initiated on a political genre linked to the history of Portugal: the speech delivered by the President of the Republic during the official ceremony commemorating the Carnation Revolution. Operating under the assumption that, during the production of a text, other texts are reproduced and revis-ited while respecting the genre tradition, a diachronic analysis of speeches produced from 1977 to 2023 was conducted. Following the Sociodiscursive Interactionism perspective, every text must be framed within a genre and the social activity that motivates it. Therefore, this study encompasses an approach to external components (production location, purposes, participants, etc.) before delving into the analysis of compositional elements. This article discusses the results of a qualitative analysis of a corpus comprising 20 speeches, focusing on formal, linguistic, and stylistic elements, as well as the role of narrative sequences in argumentative terms. The repetition of themes, particularly critical reflection and rupture, structural articulations (anaphoric parallelisms), and the narrative sequence is observed as a starting point for constructing arguments by analogy.

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