
The improvement of a teacherโ€™s education is a critical national necessity. The quality of teachers, more than any other factor, depends upon the quality of instructions, and, quality of instructions is largely determined by the excellence of the teachers. This requires that the teacherโ€™s education institutions should be well equipped with human as well as physical facilities. This research has been designed to cover up the following objectives: (1) To get the opinion of the teachers trainers about essential classroom skills acquired by the trainee teachers. (2) To identify the problems in acquiring and implementing the essential classroom skills. (3) To point out the discrepancies between skills that have been developed during teacher training programme. In this respect technique of multistage sampling was used. At first two provinces i.e. Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhua were randomly chosen from the two provinces. Forty percent teachers were chosen from the sampled teachers for classroom observation, so hundred teachers were chosen for this purpose. An equal number of teacher trainers were chosen from each district. The questionnaire was designed to get the response of the teacher trainers about the required ad acquired skills during the teacher training programme i.e., B.Ed. and M.Ed. A checklist was constructed to carry out classroom observation of the teachers in the classroom and to see the difference of required skills and acquired skills. Data collected through research instrument was analysed by using mean score and t.test. Majority of the respondents agreed that the teachers have used appropriate teaching methods, made efforts to improve their instructional effectiveness, used modern techniques and useful skills in the classroom, and made sure that their teaching was compatible with the class environment, used learning activities that required the students to practice higher order thinking and used different strategies for solving the problems. The classroom observation did not support this perception.

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