
We present observations of the rst two supernovae discovered with the recently installed Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The supernovae were found in Wide Field Camera images of the Hubble Deep Field North taken with the F775W, F850LP, and G800L optical elements as part of the ACS guaranteed time observation program. Spectra extracted from the ACS G800L grism exposures conrm that the objects are Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) at redshifts z = 0 47 and z = 0 95. Follow-up HST observations have been conducted with ACS in F775W and F850LP and with NICMOS in the near-infrared F110W bandpass, yielding a total of 9 ux measurements in the 3 bandpasses over a period of 50 days in the observed frame. We discuss many of the important issues in doing accurate photometry with the ACS. We analyze the multi-band light curves using two different tting methods to calibrate the supernovae luminosities and place them on the SNe Ia Hubble diagram. The resulting distances are consistent with the redshift-distance relation of the accelerating universe model, although evolving intergalactic grey dust remains as a less likely possibility. The relative ease with which these SNe Ia were found, conrmed, and monitored demonstrates the potential ACS holds for revolutionizing the eld of high-redshift SNe Ia, and therefore of testing the accelerating universe cosmology and constraining the iepoch of deceleration.i Subject headings: cosmology: observations o supernovae: general o supernovae: individual (SN 2002dc, SN 2002dd)

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