
This study uses on-land and offshore geological and structural data to demonstrate that a huge lateral collapse involved the SE flank of Nisyros volcano. The collapse beheaded the summit part of the volcano and also involved the submarine portion of the slope, producing a large debris avalanche deposit with a volume of about 1 km 3 which has been recognized on the sea floor. On-land, stratigraphic and structural data indicate that a thick succession of lava flows (Nikia lavas) was emplaced in a huge horseshoe-shaped depression open seaward and extending below the sea. The magma-feeding system in the volcano, pre-dating and following the collapse, was structurally influenced by a dominant NE–SW direction, which is perpendicular to the newly-recognised sector collapse. The NE–SW structural trend is consistent with the regional tectonic structures found offshore around Nisyros and with the related NW–SE extension direction. We suggest that the lateral magma pressure produced by repeated magma injections along tectonic discontinuities contributed to destabilise the volcano flank. The occurrence of a pyroclastic deposit that mantled the scar left by the collapse suggests that a magma batch might have been injected inside the volcano and triggered the collapse. The lavas of the pre-collapse edifice have been deposited in alternating submarine and subaerial environments, suggesting that vertical movements might also be a major triggering mechanism for large lateral collapses. Recognition of this phenomenon is particularly important in recent/active island or coastal volcanoes, as it can trigger tsunamis.

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