
Semantic wikis extend wiki platforms with the ability to represent structured information. They allow users to semantically annotate wiki content to enrich it with semantic properties, and then to propose new ways to find, navigate and present wiki content through reasoning. Semantic wikis are used by many communities for a wide variety of purposes, such as organizing domain knowledge. They have had reasonable success as collaborative platforms in the context of social semantic applications. In this paper, we consider a semantic wiki based on IDOMEN ontology. We use the Wiki infrastructure for the ontology maintenance, with pages containing categories that are IDOMEN concepts, typed links as relations and attributes. IDOMEN is used within wiki for supporting page annotation (tag organization), semantic searching, guided editing, and consistency checking. Our work consisted, on the one hand to discover new knowledge from pairing the concepts of domain ontology and the clusters of tags that we got with tags provided by users; On the other hand, it will be the enrichment of ontology by placing the new knowledge discovered previously.

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