
Over the last two decades, Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) imaging with a scanning transmission electron microscope has emerged as a technique of choice for visualizing complex chemical, electronic, plasmonic, and phononic phenomena in complex materials and structures. The availability of the EELS data necessitates the development of methods to analyze multidimensional data sets with complex spatial and energy structures. Traditionally, the analysis of these data sets has been based on analysis of individual spectra, one at a time, whereas the spatial structure and correlations between individual spatial pixels containing the relevant information of the physics of underpinning processes have generally been ignored and analyzed only via the visualization as 2D maps. Here, we develop a machine learning-based approach and workflows for the analysis of spatial structures in 3D EELS data sets using a combination of dimensionality reduction and multichannel rotationally invariant variational autoencoders. This approach is illustrated for the analysis of both the plasmonic phenomena in a system of nanowires and in the core excitations in functional oxides using low loss and core-loss EELS, respectively. The code developed in this manuscript is open sourced and freely available and provided as a Jupyter notebook for the interested reader.

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