
The corona virus pandemic has shaken not only Wuhan, but also the world. This virus has spread widely to almost all countries in a short time. Meanwhile, in Indonesia the corona virus began to be detected when two Indonesian citizens (WNI) tested positive for the corona virus on March 1, 2020. The two Indonesians had previously had contact with a foreign national (WNA) from Japan who lived in Malaysia at an event. in Jakara. Based on data up to April 20, 2020, the number of victims due to the corona virus was 6,760 cases. A total of 590 of them died and 747 people were declared cured. Termination of Employment (PHK) is something that is very feared by employees. This is due to the chaotic economic conditions which have an impact on many companies that have to go out of business, and of course have an impact on the unilateral termination of employment by employers. To protect workers' rights due to layoffs, the Government as one of the elements in carrying out industrial relations has provided legal protection guarantees for workers whose employment has been terminated by employers as regulated in Chapter XII, precisely in Article 150-172 of Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower.


  • Humans were created by God as social beings and will not be able to live alone but need the presence of other humans in order to fulfill their needs

  • The freedom to determine the contents of the agreement according to Article 1337 of the Civil Code is limited by the provision that "must have a lawful cause", that is, it does not conflict with Law, public order and morals

  • Each of the parties to the agreement must be legally competent, namely the ability of a person to carry out legal actions in the field of civil law, and be able to account for the legal consequences, including people who are adults, not under the authority and people who are deemed by law cakap

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Humans were created by God as social beings and will not be able to live alone but need the presence of other humans in order to fulfill their needs. One example of a legal relationship is a contract / agreement relationship, a legal relationship in a contract or an agreement commonly carried out in the business / individual world, the agreement / contact relationship creates an agreement between the parties that make it. Judging from the subject, many agreements in society are carried out by, among others, between human beings, between legal entities, as well as between humans and legal entities, while in terms of their various types, there are agreements regulated in the Civil Code which are called nominates, among others. Judging from the subject, many agreements in society are carried out by, among others, between human beings, between legal entities, as well as between humans and legal entities, while in terms of their various types, there are agreements regulated in the Civil Code which are called nominates, among others. : sale and purchase agreement, payable agreement

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