
Batteries are one of the world's favorite sources of energy because of their ease and practicality of use. In a conventional battery, there are heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and nickel. All these metals are B3 waste which is very dangerous for the environment and the human body if it is not recycled properly. Efforts that can be made to overcome the problem of B3 waste above are by researching and utilizing the waste of banana peel (Musa Balbisiana) to produce direct electrical energy (DC). With the aim of the community getting an environmentally friendly source of electrical energy, easy to recycle and worrying about the magnitude of the danger because the impact of heavy metals can be reduced. The purpose of this study is to determine the voltage (voltage) produced and the durability of the bio-battery made. The method used is to make a bio-battery paste from banana peels instead of the paste on conventional batteries. The results obtained from this study are the banana peel waste paste can conduct electricity. Produces a voltage of 1.24 volts and the bio-battery made from banana peel can last for 16 hours.


  • ABSTRAK Salah satu sumber energi yang paling banyak penggunaanya dan paling banyak dikenal oleh khalayak pada umumnya yaitu baterai dengan jenis primer, baterai jenis ini sangat banyak digunakan di dalam kehidupan sehari hari

  • One of the efforts that can be made to overcome the problem of B3 waste above is by researching and utilizing the waste of banana peel and papaya peel in order to produce direct electrical energy (DC)

  • The results obtained from this study are the banana peel waste paste can conduct electricity and produce a maximum voltage of 1.24 volts, with a maximum power of 0.496 mW and for bio-batteries, papaya peel waste can produce a maximum voltage of 1.25 volts, with a maximum power of 0.6625 mW

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Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur dan experimental laboratory. Adapun diagram alir prosedur pada penelitian ini yaitu: Gambar 3. 1. Tahap Persiapan Baterai Langkah pertama yang mesti dilakukan adalah menyiapkan baterai bekas dengan tegangan 1,5 Volt, Setelah baterai disiapkan langkah selanjutnya adalah dengan mengelupas kulit luar baterai, agar penutup yang terdapat pada bagian atas batu baterai dapat dibuka. Kemudian karbon dan batang elektroda yang terdapat di dalam baterai bekas dikeluarkan dan dibersihkan dengan hati-hati, setelah itu bagian dalam baterai bekas dapat dicuci hingga bersih, kemudian keringkan. Tujuannya adalah agar baterai bekas dapat digunakan sebagai wadah pasta biobaterai

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