
The equilibrium statistical mechanics of classical directed polymers in two dimensions is well known to be equivalent to the imaginary-time quantum dynamics of a 1+1-dimensional many-particle system, with polymer configurations corresponding to particle world-lines. This equivalence motivates the application of techniques originally designed for one-dimensional many-particle quantum systems to the exploration of many-polymer systems, as first recognized and exploited by de Gennes [J. Chem. Phys. 48, 2257 (1968)]. In this low-dimensional setting interactions give rise to an emergent polymer fluid, and we examine how topological constraints on this polymer fluid (e.g., due to uncrossable pins or barriers) and their geometry give rise to strong, entropy-driven forces. In the limit of large polymer densities, in which a type of mean-field theory is accurate, we find that a pointlike pin causes a divergent pileup of polymer density on the high-density side of the pin and a zero-density region (or gap) of finite area on the low-density side. In addition, we find that the force acting on a pin that is only mildly displaced from its equilibrium position is sub-Hookean, growing less than linearly with the displacement, and that the gap created by the pin also grows sublinearly with the displacement. By contrast, the forces acting between multiple pins separated along the direction preferred by the polymers are super-Hookean. These nonlinear responses result from effective long-ranged interactions between polymer segments, which emerge via short-ranged interactions between distant segments of long polymer strands. In the present paper, we focus on the case of an infinitely strong, repulsive contact interaction, which ensures that the polymers completely avoid one another. In a companion paper, we consider the effects of a wider set of interpolymer interactions.

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