
Circadian rhythms are regulated at the cellular level by transcriptional feedback loops leading to oscillations in expression of key proteins including CLOCK, BMAL1, PERIOD (PER), and CRYPTOCHROME (CRY). The CLOCK and BMAL1 proteins are members of the bHLH class of transcription factors and form a heterodimer that regulates the expression of the PER and CRY genes. The nuclear receptor REV-ERBα plays a key role in regulation of oscillations in BMAL1 expression by directly binding to the BMAL1 promoter and suppressing its expression at certain times of day when REV-ERBα expression levels are elevated. We recently demonstrated that REV-ERBα also regulates the expression of NPAS2, a heterodimer partner of BMAL1. Here, we show that REV-ERBα also regulates the expression another heterodimer partner of BMAL1, CLOCK. We identified a REV-ERBα binding site within the 1st intron of the CLOCK gene using a chromatin immunoprecipitation – microarray screen. Suppression of REV-ERBα expression resulted in elevated CLOCK mRNA expression consistent with REV-ERBα's role as a transcriptional repressor. A REV-ERB response element (RevRE) was identified within this region of the CLOCK gene and was conserved between humans and mice. Additionally, the CLOCK RevRE conferred REV-ERB responsiveness to a heterologous reporter gene. Our data suggests that REV-ERBα plays a dual role in regulation of the activity of the BMAL1/CLOCK heterodimer by regulation of expression of both the BMAL1 and CLOCK genes.


  • Circadian rhythms play an essential role in coordinating the timing of various physiological processes

  • We recently demonstrated that another BMAL1 heterodimerization partner, NPAS2, is regulated by receptor a (RORa) and REV-ERBa providing for a potential mechanism for coordinated expression of these two bHLH factors that regulate the circadian rhythm [9]

  • We found that another important factor that heterodimerizes with BMAL1, circadian locomotor output kaput (CLOCK), is a target of REV-ERBa

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Circadian rhythms play an essential role in coordinating the timing of various physiological processes. The circadian clock is regulated by a transcriptional/translational feedback loop that involves several key proteins including circadian locomotor output kaput (CLOCK). CLOCK was initially discovered in a mutagenesis screen for altered circadian phenotypes in mice [1]. The CLOCK mutant mice had an increased period of circadian activity, as determined by wheel running experiments, and became arrhythmic in constant darkness. Clock is expressed in the SCN of mice as well as in humans, and displays a wider pattern of expression that includes the liver where it may play a role in regulation of the circadian rhythm in this tissue [3,4,5]

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