
We developed an experimental approach to measure the pulmonary interstitial pressure with the micropuncture technique in in situ lungs with an intact pleural space. Experiments were done in anesthetized paralyzed rabbits that were oxygenated via an endotracheal tube with 50% humidified oxygen and kept in either the supine or the lateral position. A small area of an intercostal space was cleared of the intercostal muscles down to the endothoracic fascia. Subsequently a "pleural window" was opened by stripping the endothoracic fascia over a 0.2-cm2 surface and leaving the parietal pleura (approximately 10 microns thick). Direct micropuncture through the pleural window was performed with 2- to 3-microns-tip pipettes connected to a servo-null pressure-measuring system. We recorded pleural liquid pressure and, after inserting the pipette tip into the lung, we recorded interstitial pressure from subpleural lung tissue. Depth of recording for interstitial pressure averaged 263 +/- 122 (SD) microns. We report data gathered at 26, 53, and 84% lung height (relative to the most dependent portion of the lung). For the three heights, interstitial pressure was -9.8 +/- 3, -10.1 +/- 1.6, and -12.5 +/- 3.7 cmH2O, respectively, whereas the corresponding pleural liquid pressure was -3.4 +/- 0.5, -4.4 +/- 1, and -5.2 +/- 0.3 cmH2O, respectively.

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