
In a previous work [ Lakshmanan , S. ; J. Phys. Chem. A 2018 , 122 , 4808 - 4818 ], direct dynamics simulations at the M06/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory were reported for 3CH2 (X3B1) + 3O2 (X3∑g-) reaction on its ground-state singlet potential energy surface (PES) at 300 K. However, further analyses revealed the simulations are unstable for the 3CH2 (X3B1) + 3O2 (X3∑g-) reactants on the ground-state singlet surface and the trajectories reverted to an excited-state singlet surface for the 1CH2 (ã1A1) + 1O2 (b1∑g+) reactants. Thus, the dynamics reported previously are for this excited-state singlet PES. The PESs for the 3CH2 (X3B1) + 3O2 (X3∑g-) and 1CH2 (ã1A1) + 1O2 (b1∑g+) reactants are quite similar, and this provided a means to perform simulations for the 3CH2 (X3B1) + 3O2 (X3∑g-) reactants on the ground-state singlet PES at 300 K, which are reported here. The reaction dynamics are quite complex with seven different reaction pathways and nine different products. A consistent set of product yields have not been determined experimentally, but the simulation yields for the H atom, CO, and CO2 are somewhat lower, higher, and lower respectively, than the recommended values. The yields for the remaining six products agree with experimental values. Product decomposition was included in determining the product yields. The simulation 3CH2 + 3O2 rate constant at 300 K is only 3.4 times smaller than the recommended value, which may be accommodated if the 3CH2 + 3O2 → 1CH2O2 potential energy curve is only 0.75 kcal/mol more attractive at the variational transition state for 3CH2 + 3O2 → 1CH2O2 association. The simulation kinetics and dynamics for the 3CH2 + 3O2 and 1CH2 + 1O2 reactions are quite similar. Their rate constants are statistically the same, an expected result, since their transition states leading to products have energies lower than that of the reactants and the attractive potential energy curves for 3CH2 + 3O2 → 1CH2O2 and 1CH2 + 1O2 → 1CH2O2 are nearly identical. The product yields for the 3CH2 + 3O2 and 1CH2 + 1O2 reactions are also nearly identical, only differing for the CO2 yield. The reaction dynamics on both surfaces are predominantly direct, with negligible trapping in potential energy minima, which may be an important contributor to their nearly identical product yields.

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