
Cell membrane fluctuations, which reflect local bending deformability of the cell surface, are composed of submicron aperiodic reversible displacements of the cell membrane in the frequency range of 0.5-20Hz. Measurements of time-dependent light scattering from small areas (0.25 μm2) of the cell surface reveal a higher level of cell membrane fluctuations in high metastatic BW5147 T-lymphoma derived cell lines than in their corresponding non-metastatic cell lines. Filterability measurements, carried out by recording the passage time of equal volumes of cell suspensions and media through 8 μm and 10 μm pores of a polycarbonate filter, demonstrate a higher filterability (lower rigidity index) for the high metastatic cell lines than their matched nonmetastatic ones. Hence, the present study demonstrates a positive correlation between the metastatic potential of BW5147 lymphoma derived cell lines, their relative level of cell membrane fluctuations and their in-vitro cell filterability.

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