
In modern conditions of business, innovations and new technologies have a great significance for the development of highly educated institutions. Major changes are under the influence of information-communication technologies, the Bologna process, the Internet, new tools for improving innovation in education and training. Investing in new technologies and innovation is necessary. In this paper, through the results of the research and the statistical processing, the dynamics of the introduction of innovations and new technologies are presented in private and state faculties in the Republic of Serbia. The period analyzed is between year 2010-2017. During the observed period, investment in innovation and new technologies is growing from year to year. During the same period, the changes caused by the demands of students and trends in foreign faculties were presented and analyzed. In addition, the impact of the competition and the dynamics of introducing innovations under their influence have been addressed. Statistical data processing has confirmed that all these changes affect the higher education institutions and that the value of the investment grows year after year.

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