
Blood grouping is the first and most important requirement for most basic medical procedures. The expert in the conventional art used to detect blood type monitors the color and shape change in the blood by mixing anti-serum substance into the blood sample and determines the blood group and Rh factor. This is done by the expert throughout the day and is open to errors due to tiredness and oversight. In this study, it was aimed to determine blood group automatically by using image processing techniques. For this purpose, a series of image processing techniques have been applied on digital images of real patient blood. After the blood samples were divided into three parts, firstly RGB-Gray level-Black/White conversion was performed. Subsequently, morphological procedures were performed, and the blood region was segmented and border lines were marked. In the last stage, the white pixel density, the number of objects in the region, and the number of edge pixels were determined and blood group and Rh factor were determined.

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