
Digital transformation has encompassed all segments of life, including education. In this paper, we examine the necessity of changing the educational paradigm due to the rapid development of communication technologies that have shaped the upbring-ing of young generations over the past decade, their impact on cognitive development, perception, and attention, the swift ad-vancement and efficiency of educational platforms, the increasing use of artificial intelligence, and, finally, the experiences from the COVID crisis period which significantly influenced the habits, expectations, and lifestyles of young generations. Based on the constructivist theoretical approach to the educational process, we propose the concept of a “learning landscape” designed on the principle of “active learning,” which places the learner at the center of the educational process. The effectiveness of learning outcomes depends on the functional combination of the traditional “face-to-face” approach and the application of automated digital tools such as digital educational platforms, modules, and artificial intelligence tools (a blended or hybrid approach). We also discuss the new role of educators in this process.

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