
The importance of digital learning was made abundantly clear when schools across the world transited from the traditional classroom learning to on-line learning as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic showed the world that we were not as prepared for digital learning as we thought. Teachers were not familiar with the issues brought on by digital learning and many students did not know how to properly employ available technology . This research, assess the level of digital literacy and use of ICT resources by secondary school teachers in Awka South, Anambra State. Specifically, the objectives of the study were to find out if the teachers in the secondary schools in Awka South LGA are digital literate, the extent of teacher’s awareness of ICT resources, find out if the teachers utilize ICT resources in curriculum delivery and examine the various problems encountered by the teachers in the use of e-learning resources, and as well explore what problems this poses to teaching and learning in the time of Covid-19. The study adopted a survey method. A total of two hundred and forty (240) senior class teachers were selected from nineteen (19) public secondary schools in Awka South. A formal questionnaire was constructed and used to collect data from a target group of 240 respondents as adopted. Descriptive analytical techniques such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were applied to analyze and interpret the data. The outcomes of such analysis are presented on tables. The result of the study showed that a number of the teachers are not digitally literate and are not aware of ICT and e-learning resource, which led to the disruption of teaching and learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. A major factor which contributed to inadequate awareness of ICT among teachers is lack of teacher’s professional development on ICT awareness and limited support and motivation from school leaders and the government. The few who are digital literate and could access ICT resources are confronted with problems such as lack of internet facilities, poor electricity, poor network, poor management and high cost of ICT facilities and internet data bundles. The study recommended provision of ICT facilities in secondary schools, the installation of internet facilities in secondary schools, subsidized data bundles, provision of e-libraries and creation of awareness about e-learning resources and compulsory ICT and Digital literacy training for teachers. Key words : ICT Resources, Digital Literacy, Awareness, Utilization, Secondary School Teachers. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-21-08 Publication date: July 31 st 2021


  • The presence of Covid-19 pandemic has held the whole world at ransom and as a result; there has been a disruption in both social, economic and the educational system

  • Teachers are not well acquainted with the digital literacy skills needed to ensure quality and smooth learning for the students (Obielodan et al, (2020); Basagekar and Singhavi (2017). In developing countries such as Nigeria, schools are struggling to cope with the new norm of using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) facilities for teaching and learning, which is as a result of poor of staff training on digital literacy

  • Bearing in mind that the students are devoid of restriction on information from the internet, the concept of ICT utilization and digital literacy in the educational process has changed the role teachers and students (Vidosavljevic, M. 2020) it is pertinent to include digital technology and digital literacy into teacher’s training, teacher education and teacher’s professional development

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The presence of Covid-19 pandemic has held the whole world at ransom and as a result; there has been a disruption in both social, economic and the educational system. Teachers are not well acquainted with the digital literacy skills needed to ensure quality and smooth learning for the students (Obielodan et al, (2020); Basagekar and Singhavi (2017) In developing countries such as Nigeria, schools are struggling to cope with the new norm of using ICT facilities for teaching and learning, which is as a result of poor of staff training on digital literacy. According to Tella et al, (2012), the use of ICT by teachers to www.iiste.org impact knowledge to students is highly advantageous It is against this background that this study is carried out to assess the level of teachers’ awareness of e-learning resources, their application of the resources in curriculum delivery and the problems encountered with the use of e-learning resources in secondary schools in Awka South, Anambra state of Nigeria.

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