
Linear alkylbenzenesulfonate (LAS) was detected in a 0–30 cm deep sediment column collected in Lake Teganuma (one of the most polluted lakes in Japan). The range of the LAS concentration in sediments was between 0.1 and 500 µg g−1 (C11–C14 homologs per dry solid) and its vertical profile showed a seasonal variation. A mathematical model, which includes a diffusion term and a biodegradation term, was used to simulate the temporal variation of LAS in the sediment column and to calculate the diffusive flux rate of LAS across the sediment/water interface. An averaged diffusion coefficient of 2.4 × 10−5 cm2 s−1 for the sediment interstitial water was obtained from sediment core samples located in Lake Teganuma. The biodegradation rate constant (0.002 d−1) of LAS in the sediment obtained from the model analysis was considerably less than that reported for LAS in anaerobic waters. These results confirm that a model describing diffusive transport and biodegradation of LAS in the sediments can simulate the temporal variation of LAS in near surface sediments. The diffusive flux rate from overlying water to bottom sediment was calculated to be between −0.20 and 0.52 (C11–C14 LAS) mg m−2 h−1 and the annual net flux rate was 0.7 g m−2 y−1.

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