
False-positive serological reactions (FPSR) due to infections with Yersinia enterocolitica serotype Oratio9 (YeOratio9) are a problem in tests for brucellosis. In the present study, FPSR in classical and novel tests for brucellosis following experimental infections of pigs with YeOratio9 were compared with responses of B. suis biovar 2-inoculated pigs. FPSR were limited to 2-9 weeks post-YeOratio9 inoculation, while B. suis-infected pigs were test-positive throughout the 21-week period of investigation. Although YeOratio9-inoculated pigs exhibited FPSR in Brucella tests for a limited period of time, the serological responses in a YeOratio9-purified O-antigen indirect ELISA did not decrease accordingly. Analysis of available cross-sectional serum samples from pig herds naturally infected with YeOratio9 or B. suis biovar 2 confirmed that the observed difference in the duration of the serological responses between the two infections could be used to discriminate between herds infected with B. suis biovar 2 and YeOratio9.

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