
This work wants to analyze, from the theoretical-conceptual architectural frame of the General Theory of Social Systems (TGSS), and problematize the relationships and the logical articulations between the system of politics, economics and law to observe what have been the hetero-descriptions of the democratic state in the periphery of modern society (1).The processes of functional differentiation characterizing the institutionalization of structures and expectations –normative, cognitive– in the evolutionary becoming of the State-nation, in Latin America, stabilized the logic of the patrimonial political centralism, so that the history of innumerable legal-political and economic reforms have been used rather to perpetuate the status quo than to change something (2). It's interesting to observe, for this reason, the developing of many forms of coordination and social development to achieve the desired modernity in the continent, from the presidential caudillism, Cepalian developmentalism (1950), military praetorianism (1970), till the forms of economical laissez faire (1990). These models have basically revolved around the valorization of the clientelistic political regime as a central space for the construction of democracy and the market (3). In this context, cognitive and normative expectations (law) have not managed to generate lasting political accommodations that facilitate sociopolitical evolution, where corporations, families and clientelistic caudillism continue to prevail, except the institutionalized expectations (4). The question then is not how ‘democracy should be’, but how is this possible in this periphery of modernity.


  • The analysis and observation about the semantics of the democracy and its evolution in modern society must contemplate the relevant change of the meaning of policy in the course of the last decades, recovering the old discussion and installing it in the complexity of the contemporary society

  • In the events occurred in these last months in Latin American, it is possible to observe that the demand to do to the State, is not to allow the operation of the right as an independent subsystem and the question that inevitably arises is how possible this can be realized

  • It is as if the great revolutionary wave that swept to the Atlantic world deposited a set of practicable rules only in Europe and the United States, and defective institutions in the rest of the Latin American republics, because unlike the European societies, whose process of functional differentiation was a pattern of social organization of a polycentrical type, where the social systems operate decentralized and independently in a connected way, our societies have been characterized to be structured around a centralized system, dominant and authoritarian

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The analysis and observation about the semantics of the democracy and its evolution in modern society must contemplate the relevant change of the meaning of policy in the course of the last decades, recovering the old discussion and installing it in the complexity of the contemporary society. In this sense, from a glance that does not ignore its origin, but that assumes it. The reflection is interesting about the democracies in the periphery of the modern society and the always difficult relation between the economic system and the right. Again, the fears of ungovernability, acephalia, coupe d’etat (Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela) that becomes to wake up, generate doubts difficult to dissipate

Adversus Modernus
Complexity and Policy of the Modern Society
Law is Accepted But It is Not Obeyed
Concluding Remarks
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