
Previous work from this laboratory had indicated that in vivo, histidine decarboxylase (HDC) activity was stimulated by compound 48/80 in rat leg muscle, and that high dietary calcium had a stimulating effect on gastric HDC activity. In the present investigations the 48/80 effect was also observed in vitro in leg muscle extracts from rats, chicks, and guinea pigs. Compound 48/80 had no effect in vitro on histamine metabolism of gastric tissue homogenates in any of the animal species studied. A dietary effect of high calcium intake was noted in rat gastric tissue but not in rat leg muscle. In vitro addition of 48/80 and/or calcium had no stimulatory effect on bacterial HDC or on muscle carnosinase activity. These findings, in conjunction with a comparison of stomach and leg muscle mast cell populations, confirm an HDC stimulatory role for 48/80 in muscle, in addition to its histamine-releasing function from mast cells.

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