
We have shown by S1 nuclease mapping with in vivo transcripts that the differential expression of a sporulation-regulatory gene, spo0A, is regulated by switching of two discrete promoters during the initiation of sporulation in Bacillus subtilis; vegetative mRNA was transcribed from an upstream promoter (Pv, vegetative promoter), and sporulation-specific mRNA was transcribed from the other promoter (Ps, sporulation-specific promoter) about 150 bp downstream of the Pv promoter. Transcription from the Pv promoter was at a low level and shut off at T0.5. On the other hand, transcription from the Ps promoter was strongly induced at T0.5 and increased until T2.5. In the presence of 2% glucose, Pv-directed transcription was not shut off and was observed even at T1.5, whereas the induction of Ps-directed transcription was completely repressed. A mutant in which the spo0A gene was transcribed only from the Ps promoter could sporulate normally in the presence of 0.1% glucose but could not sporulate at all in the presence of 2% glucose. In a catabolite-resistant sporulation mutant carrying crsA47 (sigA47), a mutation within the gene encoding sigma A, normal promoter switching from Pv to Ps was observed in the presence of 2% glucose.

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