
The effects of several calcium antagonists (verapamil, nicardipine and two diltiazem isomers, d-cis and l-cis diltiazem) alone and associated to non-depolarizing (pancuronium) and depolarizing (succinylcholine) neuromuscular blockers, were evaluated on sciatic nerve-tibialis anterior muscle preparations from cats in vivo. The calcium antagonists used (at 0.1 and 0.5 mg/kg iv) did not modify the height of muscular twitches elicited indirectly. However, these agents potentiated in a dose-dependent way the neuromuscular blockade induced by iv pancuronium (2-40 micrograms/kg) and succinylcholine (6-200 micrograms/kg). The order of potency in increasing the effects of pancuronium was nicardipine much greater than d-cis diltiazem greater than or equal to verapamil, whereas the order of potency in enhancing succinylcholine effects was d-cis diltiazem greater than or equal to verapamil much greater than nicardipine. The effects of diltiazem were stereoselective, thus the potentiation induced by d-cis diltiazem was significantly greater in all cases than that induced by l-cis diltiazem, which suggests that calcium channel blockade plays a role in these interactions. However, other mechanisms such as calcium antagonists-induced nicotinic receptor desensitization may also be involved.

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