
Manganese (Mn) tolerance response in two aluminum (Al)‐tolerant triticale (× Triticosecale Wittmack) varieties was characterized by measurements of growth and dry matter production of seedlings in nutrient solution culture containing 100 mg L‐1 Mn. Root weight index (RWI) and total weight index (TWI) based on relative plant growth were two indicators of differentiating genotypic Mn tolerance; these two indices were used to make a comparative assessment of the degree of Mn tolerance in a group of eight Australian and South African genotypes which differ in apparent Al tolerance. The G4–95A was more Mn‐tolerant than its Al‐tolerant counterpart Tahara. A wide range of Mn tolerance was found in the eight genotypes, but few were tolerant of both Al and Mn stresses; measurements of RWI at 100 mg L‐1 Mn stress differentiated them into three response types (i.e., Mn‐tolerant, moderately Mn‐tolerant/Mn‐sensitive, and Mn‐sensitive) at the two critical values of 0.30 and 0.60. Covariation analysis indicated no association between Mn tolerance and Al tolerance; selective breeding for acidic stress tolerance should focus on both stress tolerances.

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