
The Dorsomedial Nucleus of the Hypothalamus (DMH) is known to play important roles in ingestive behavior and body weight homeostasis. The DMH contains neurons expressing Neuropeptide Y (NPY) during specific physiological conditions of hyperphagia and obesity, however, the role of DMH-NPY neurons has yet to be characterized. In contrast to the DMH-NPY neurons, NPY expressing neurons have been best characterized in the Arcuate Nucleus of the Hypothalamus (ARH). The purpose of this study is to characterize the chemical phenotype of DMH-NPY neurons by comparing the gene expression profiles of NPY neurons in the DMH and ARH isolated from postnatal NPY-hrGFP mice by microarray analysis. Twenty genes were differentially expressed in the DMH-NPY neurons compared to the ARH. Among them, there were several transcriptional factors that play important roles in the regulation of energy balance. DMH-NPY neurons expressed Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD) 65 and 67, suggesting that they may be GABAergic, similar to ARH-NPY neurons. While ARH-NPY neurons expressed leptin receptor (ObRb) and displayed the activation of STAT3 in response to leptin administration, DMH-NPY neurons showed neither. These findings strongly suggest that DMH-NPY neurons could play a distinct role in the control of energy homeostasis and are differentially regulated from ARH-NPY neurons through afferent inputs and transcriptional regulators.

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