
The cephalochordate amphioxus is thought to share a common ancestor with vertebrates. To investigate the evolution of developmental mechanisms in chordates, cDNA clones for two amphioxus actin genes, BfCA1 and BfMA1, were isolated. BfCA1 encodes a cytoplasmic actin and is expressed in a variety of tissues during embryogenesis, beginning in the dorsolateral mesendoderm of the mid-gastrula. At the open neural plate stage, BfCA1 transcripts accumulate at the bases of the neuroectodermal cells adjacent the presumptive notochord. The 3' untranslated region of BfCA1 contains a sequence that is similar to the "zipcode" sequence of chicken β-cytoplasmic actin gene, which is thought to direct intracellular mRNA localization. BfCA1 is also expressed in the notochord through the early larval stage, in the pharynx and in the somites at the onset of muscle-cell differentiation. BfMA1 is a vertebrate-type muscle actin gene, although the deduced amino acid sequence is fairly divergent. Transcripts first appear in the early neurula in the somites as they begin to differentiate into axial muscle cells and persist into the adult stage. In young adults, transcripts are localized in the Z-discs of the muscle cells. Smooth muscle cells around the gill slits and striated muscle cells in the pterygeal muscle also express BfMA1; however, there is never any detectable expression in the notochord, which is a modified striated muscle. Together with the alkali myosin light chain gene AmphiMLC-alk, the sequence and muscle-specific expression of BfMA1 implies a conserved mechanism of muscle cell differentiation between amphioxus and vertebrates. Evolution of the chordate actin gene family is discussed based on molecular phylogenetic analysis and expression patterns of amphioxus actin genes.

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