
We investigated the differential expression of seven ACC synthase and two ACC oxidase genes in mung bean leaves. Among these, onlyACS2,ACO1, andACO 2 were expressed in etiolated leaves. When seedlings were de-etiolated, the expression level ofACO1 decreased by 65%, expression ofACO2 disappeared, while that ofACS2 was unchanged. For de-etiolated leaves treated with NaCl in the dark, the photochemical efficiency of PSII was not altered, and no genes were newly induced within the first 12 h. However, in the presence of light, transcripts ofACS1, ACS3, ACS4, andACS6 were newly accumulated, and the expression levels ofACS2 andACO1 were increased. The kinetics of transcript accumulation in response to methyl viologen (MV) treatment in the light were similar to those observed in the NaCl-treated leaves in the presence of light, suggesting that changes in the latter were caused by oxidative, rather than saline, stress. However, transcripts from most of the genes began accumulating more slowly in MV-treated leaves, with those ofACS1 andACS6 accumulating in much lower amounts than in NaCl-treated leaves. The reverse was true forACS4 transcripts.

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