
Increased reinforcing efficacy of sucrose/ethanol solutions in comparison to sucrose solutions has been previously demonstrated. However, the contribution of the components of the sucrose/ethanol solution is not well defined. The present study used a multiple schedule of reinforcement to evaluate the differential changes in reinforcer presentations as sucrose or ethanol concentrations were altered. Male Long-Evans rats were trained to press a lever on a multiple fixed ratio 4-fixed ratio 4 schedule which was composed of alternating 2-min components. During one component, 5% sucrose/10% ethanol was presented as the reinforcer and, in the second component, 5% sucrose was presented. Independent manipulations of the ethanol concentration (0, 5, and 20%) in the sucrose/ethanol solution or sucrose concentration (0, 10, and 20%) in the sucrose solution were then performed. Increasing the ethanol concentration in the sucrose/ethanol solution resulted in decreases in reinforcer delivery but increases in ethanol intake (grams per kilogram) and total session caloric intake. Increasing the sucrose concentration in the sucrose solution resulted in significant increases in sucrose reinforcer delivery and total session caloric intake. During the concentration manipulations, the number of reinforcers presented of the unchanged reinforcer was not affected. Differential changes in the pattern of reinforcer presentation after ethanol and sucrose concentration manipulations during successive access periods suggest that sucrose and sucrose/ethanol maintained responding are differentially regulated. Changes in sucrose maintained responding after increases in the sucrose concentration were observed early in the session suggesting a strong influence of taste in regulating intake. Changes in sucrose/ethanol maintained responding after increases in the ethanol concentration occurred later in the session and suggest that postingestive effects (i.e., pharmacology) play a major role in the regulation of sucrose/ethanol intake. In addition, the differential patterns of sucrose/ethanol and sucrose maintained behavior suggest that the ethanol component of the sucrose/ethanol solution plays an important role in maintaining sucrose/ethanol reinforced behavior.

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