
The 21st century is the digital world, the utilization of digital information like multimedia that contains image, audio and video is massively expanding because of the progression in innovation and web transformation. With this headway to achieve the one's proprietorship and copyrights for this advanced information is the greatest test. Digital watermarking is one of the procedures to accomplish one's proprietorship and copyrights with safely and securely. Digital watermarking is the strategy in which the proprietor's copyright data can be installed into the original media either as an image, audio or video. There are two fundamental components we have to consider for this digital audio watermarking to get the high robustness and also imperceptibility against the piracy, malevolent assaults, and different kind of transformation attacks. Despite the fact that there are numerous difficulties to accomplish these outcomes, in this paper, our proposed audio watermarking system is utilized to enhance the robustness, reliability and imperceptibility of the embedded data with security. For Security, in our proposed work we are utilizing DSSS encryption algorithm and some vital transformation techniques utilized that are DWT (Discreet Wavelet Transformation) up to 4-level to get most reduced frequency sub-band and after that DFT(Discrete Fourier Transform) is applied to get least frequency component from sub-band found by DWT in which the alterations are done and after that SVD (Singular esteem Decomposition)is used to it, so unique audio document does not have any effect of watermark bits to improve robustness and imperceptibility. This algorithm is implemented in MATLAB software that is used for numerical computation and data analysis. The GUI is presented in this paper for audio watermarking with different calculations.

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