
The effect of constitutively activated proto-oncogene H-ras (H-rasQ61L) on the regulation of myosin heavy chain (MHC) promoter activities was investigated in rabbit satellite cell-derived muscle cell culture during the proliferation stage and early and later stages of differentiation, respectively. During proliferation, overexpression of H-rasQ61L did not affect basal level of activity of the slow MHCI/beta or the fast MHCIId/x promoter luciferase reporter gene construct in transient transfection assays. By contrast, H-rasQ61L affected both MHC promoter activities during differentiation, and this effect changes from inactivation after 2 days to activation after 4 days of differentiation. The activating effect of H-rasQ61L on both MHC promoters after 4 days of differentiation was significantly reduced by LY-294002, a specific inhibitor of the phosphoinositol-3-kinase (PI3K), a downstream target of Ras. Furthermore, the protein kinase Akt (protein kinase B), a downstream target of PI3k, was activated 4 days after initiation of differentiation in myotubes overexpressing H-rasQ61L. By contrast, inhibition of another Ras downstream pathway, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1/2-extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1/2 (MKK1/2-ERK1/2-MAPK), increased activities of both MHC promoters, indicating a suppressive role of this pathway. Moreover, the Ras-PI3K-Akt signaling pathway is involved in the activation of MHCI/beta and IId/x promoters in a later stage of differentiation of muscle cells, presumably by a known inhibiting effect of activated Akt on the MKK1/2-ERK1/2-MAPK pathway. The experiments demonstrate that during differentiation of muscle cells activated H-ras is an important regulator of MHC isoform promoter function with opposite effects during early and later stages.

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