
Charlotte Bronte was born on 21st April 1816 in Yorkshire, England for a poor clergyman and died at a very young age on the31st of March 1855. In August 1824, she was sent with her sisters to the Clergy Daughters' School at Cowan Bridge in Lancashire. This is to better understand her religious background and to interpret issues raised through her protagonist Jane Eyre who is considered by many as a reflection and autobiography for Charlotte herself. Critics have criticised Jane Eyre for what they considered as a threat against society’s beliefs. They suggested that it is a novel in which Charlotte stabs the religion from the back, trying to destroy the basics of the British society and religion. Others claimed that she was trying to neglect religious concepts and only focused on individuals’ morals. In order to understand why many people claimed that Charlotte Bronte or her protagonist Jane are against religion, it is better first to follow Jane’s character development, the incidents and the characters she meets. Thus, a better understanding to her point of view and the text interpretation would be in the right way.

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