
Dielectrophoresis (DEP), a nonlinear electrokinetic transport mechanism, can be used to concentrate and sort cells, viruses, and particles. To date, microfabricated DEP-based devices have typically used embedded metal electrodes to apply spatially nonuniform, time-varying (AC) electric fields. We have developed an alternative method in which arrays of insulating posts in a channel of a microchip produce the spatially nonuniform fields needed for DEP. Electrodes may be located remotely, allowing operation of the device down to zero frequency (DC) without excessive problems of electrolysis. Applying a sufficiently large electric field across an insulating-post array produces two flow regimes through a competition between electrokinetic flow (combined electrophoresis and electroosmosis) and dielectrophoresis. "Streaming DEP" is observed when DEP dominates diffusion but is overcome by electrokinetic flow. Particles concentrated by DEP forces in areas of electric field extrema travel electrokinetically down the array in flowing streams. In an array of posts, dielectrophoretic forcing within repeated rows adds coherently to produce flowing streams of highly concentrated and rarefied particles. We demonstrate that this reinforcement is a strong function of alignment of the array with respect to the applied electric field and that the particle concentrations can be "enhanced" or "depleted" along columns of posts, enabling a novel class of continuous-flow, selective particle filter/concentrator devices. To our knowledge, this is the first observation of streaming dielectrophoresis. The second regime is "trapping DEP," in which DEP forces dominate over both diffusion and electrokinetic flow, reversibly immobilizing particles on the insulating posts, enabling inexpensive and embedded batch filter/concentrator devices. Devices can be biased electrically to manipulate particles selectively by varying the field strength to vary the relative magnitudes of electrokinetic flow and DEP. Post shapes are contoured easily to control electric field gradients and, hence, DEP behavior. Simple simulations based on similitude of fluid flow and electric field that solve the Laplace equation to obtain fluid velocity have also been developed to predict the dielectrophoretic behavior in an array of posts. These simulations are in excellent agreement with the experimental observations and provide insight into electrokinetic behavior to enable design of dielectrophoretic concentrators and sorters.

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