
The role of hymns in public worship and the influence it had on the Schism in 1859 in South Africa During the Middle Ages congregational singing was replaced by choir singing. Both Luther and Calvin agreed that the members of the congregation should actively participate in the worship service by means of song. Calvin limited congregational songs to the Psalms of the Old Testament. The church in Netherlands followed his example, but added some hymns, excluding the Apostles Creed, that comprises also lyrical parts from Scripture. In 1807 a hymn book was implemented and used in the Netherlands. This was one of the reasons for the Schism which took place in 1834. During 1814 the hymn book was implemented in the Cape resulting in discontent in the border districts. Some discontented people took part in the Great Trek. A congregation mainly consisting of these people was established in Rustenburg in 1859. In this congregation only Psalms were sung during services. Soon Reformed congregations having the same objections regarding hymns came into being in the Free State and the north-eastern Cape Province. For the founder of these congregations, Rev. D. Postma, the singing of free hymns was a mediance matter. For the “Doppers” as the conservative people were called, the singing of Psalms only was a serious matter of principle. Times have changed and the Reformed Churches in South Africa will have to reflect whether it is really a matter of principle to sing Old Testament Psalms only. The suffering, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ should also be celebrated in song. The existing 48 scriptural lyrics do not satisfy these requirements. Free hymns of the other Afrikaans churches will definitely have to be taken into consideration.


  • The role of hymns in public worship and the influence it had on the Schism in 1859 in South Africa

  • During 1814 the hymn book was implemented in the Cape resulting in discontent in the border districts

  • Free hymns of the other Afrikaans churches will definitely have to be taken into consideration

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Calvyn se opvatting oor die lied in die erediens

Die kerkhervorming in Nederland het plaasgevind onder invloed van Johannes Calvyn se Akademie in Genève Switserland. Dit het nie lank geneem nie of die Reformasie het in die geheel van die Nederlande getriomfeer (Du Toit, 1945:79). Toe die Reformatore Luther en Calvyn weggebreek het van die RoomsKatolieke Kerk, het hulle te staan gekom voor die vraag hoe die liturgie ingerig moes word en veral wat in die eredienste gesing moes word. Miskien daarom dat sy reformasie meer ingrypend was as dié van Luther, wat van al die Hervormers die digste by Rome bly staan het. Hy maak ook hier kennis met die tipe gemeentesang waarvan hy net gelees het en wat vir hom in ooreenstemming met die Bybel was. In hierdie keuse het Calvyn hom laat lei deur Augustinus wat gesê het dat niemand iets kan sing wat God waardig is nie, of hy moet dit van God ontvang (Jooste, 1958:19). Die voorbeeld van Calvyn is oral in die gereformeerde Kerke nagevolg

Die kerklied in Nederland in die sestiende eeu
Die invoer van die Evangeliese Gesange in Nederland
Die invoer van die Gesange aan die Kaap
Die Skotse predikante
Die Afrikaners in die grensdistrikte
Die gesangestryd in die Kaapkolonie
Argumente van die “Doppers” teen die Gesange
Die Gesangestryd in Transvaal
10. Die lied in die erediens onder die ou bedeling
11. Die lied in die erediens van die vroeë Christelike kerk
12. Konklusie
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