
The aim of this study is to investigate the still unsatisfactorily addressed problem of the literary form of Revelation 2 and 3. In this article formula­tions and elements in the Old Testament prophecies (as pointed out by Aune, 1983) as well as the proposed definition of apocalyptic genre by Aune (1986) are applied. In this article Aune’s definition of apocalyptic literature, as applied by him to Revelation in totality, is applied specifically to Revelation 2 and 3. At the same time the findings of Aune (1990) that the seven pericopae have the form of royal edicts, as well as the conclusion of Shea (1983) that these messages have a covenantal form, are evaluated. The conclusion arrived at in this study points to the following: formally these seven messages are prophetic apocalypses as well as royal edicts. They display neither the form of epistles nor of Hittite vassals. As far as their content is concerned, they have a prophetic character which corres­ponds to the Old Testament prophecies. Each message in Revelation 2 and 3 functions as a book of comfort, conveys the idea of Christ as King, and states the promises of God to the seven churches. The messages in Re­velation 2 and 3 do not represent a single typical literary form of antiquity: it rather displays a combination of literary forms - and this should be taken into account in the interpretation of Revelation 2 and 3.


  • The aim o f this study is to investigate the still unsatisfactorily addressed problem o f the literary fo rm o f Revelation 2 a n d 3

  • Die uiteenlopendheid van bogenoemde standpunte vra besinning oor die literêre vorm^ van Openbaring 2 en 3. 'n Vraag wat na vore kom, is o f Openbaring 2 en 3 tot dieselfde genre hoort as Openbaring, of dien Openbaring as ‘gasheer’^ vir Openbaring 2 en 3 - 'n siening wat impliseer dat Openbaring 2 en 3 tot 'n eie genre behoort? Ondanks verskille is genoemde navorsers wel eenstemmig dat Openbaring 2 en 3 'n eie literêre vorm binne die groter geheel van Openbaring het

  • Sodanige skryfopdrag en die vermelding van die geadresseerdes kom enkele kere by die Ou-Testamentiese profete voor

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Verskillende navorsingsresultate oor die literêre vorm van Openbaring het al die lig gesien,' Daar bestaan egter 'n leemte oor navorsing in verband met die literêre vorm van Openbaring 2 en 3 omdat navorsers nie eenstemmig is oor die literêre. Ondanks verskille is genoemde navorsers wel eenstemmig dat Openbaring 2 en 3 'n eie literêre vorm binne die groter geheel van Openbaring het. O f Openbaring 2 en 3 tot 'n eiesoortige (nie noodwendig 'n selfstandige) hterêre vorm behoort, word in hierdie artikel ondersoek. Hierdie hipotese word binne die konteks van die voigende reeds bestaande bevindings van Aune (1983, 1986, 1990) en Shea (1983) geëvalueer. Aune en Shea se voorstel vir die literêre vorm enersyds van Openbaring in sy geheel en andersyds van Openbaring 2 en 3 word vervolgens ondersoek:. In die lig van Aune se bevinding word vervolgens 'n evaluering en uiteensetting daarvan gegee

O u-Testamentiese profetiese formulerings en elemente
Apokaliptiese elem ente en literere vorm
Koninklike cdik
Die verbondstruktuur
Shea se bevinding
Evaluering van Shea se bevinding
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