
The department of Old Testament, fifty years The department of Old Testament (Section B) at the University of Pretoria is celebrating its fiftieth year. At the beginning of 1938 the faculty opened with four professors and six students. This article briefly investigates the contribution of four professors who taught the Old Testament. As a rather conservative theologian J H Kritzinger strongly emphasized the importance of a scientific approach to Old Testament and of sound exegetical study. He was succeeded by A H van Zyl who had a more historical approach to the Old Testament, took the historical critical method seriously and made its results useful to the church. W S Prinsloo focussed on the text as we have it today and paid much attention to its structure by means of syntactical analysis. To a certain extent W Vosloo continued the line of Van Zyl and Prinsloo: he emphasized the importance of a historical approach, but also investigated the structure of a text to determine its theology.


  • The department of Old Testament (Section B) at the University of Pretoria is celebrating its fiftieth year

  • Studente is vanuit hierdie perspektiewe op die Ou Testament gevorm en tot vandag toe pluk die kerk die vrug daarvan

  • Johan Hendrik Kritzinger is in 1905 gebore

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J H Kritzinger: die eerste professor in die Ou Testam ent

Johan Hendrik Kritzinger is in 1905 gebore. Sy ouers was “ innig vrome mense".' By bidure het sy vader dikwels voorgegaan en sy moeder het die gemeentesang gelei. Van Kritzinger is gesê dat hy die vermoë verstaan het om 'n liefde vir sy vak by sy studente aan te kweek." Dit blyk ook telkens uit gesprekke met oudstudente van Kritzinger dat hy 'n groot indruk op hulle gemaak het. Aangesien hierdie vroeë datering vir hom belangrik is, is dit interessant om te sien hoe hy die stof hanteer sodat dit by sy sie­ ning inpas.2° Die feit dat Joel geen melding van 'n koning maak nie, word dikwels as grond vir 'n na-eksiliese datering beskou, maar volgens Kritzinger kon dit ook goedskiks na die tyd, toe die hoëprister namens die minderjarige koning Joas regeer het, verwys. Nog 'n moontlike na-ballingskapse verwysing is die feit dat Joël geen spesifieke sondes vermeld nie, maar Kritzinger meen dit kon ook aan die hervorminge van die hoëpriester, toe hy in die plek van die minderjarige koning regeer het, te wyte wees. 0ns kan Kritzinger dus samevattend beskryf as iemand wat die beoefening van die Ou-Testamentiese wetenskap binne 'n behoudende konteks wou plaas

A H van Zyl
W S Prinsloo
W Vosloo
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