
Recent observations and theoretical studies have shown that non-baryonic Cold Dark Matter (CDM), which constitutes about 84% of all matter in the Universe, may feature a complex-scalar-field that carries particles of mass ≅ 2.47 x 10(-3)eV with the associated Compton range m(-1) ≅8.02 x 10(-3) cm, a distance on the scale of extended bionucleic acids and living cells. Such a complex-scalar-field can enter a weak-isospin Lorentz-invariant interaction that generates the flow of right-handed electrons and induces a chirality-imbued quantum chemistry on the m (-1) scale. A phenomenological Volterra-type equation is proposed for the CDM-impacted time development of N, the number of base pairs in the most advanced organism at Earth-age t. The solution to this equation suggests that the boosts in N at t ≅ 1.1 Gyr (advent of the first living prokaryotic cells), at t ≅ 2.9 Gyr (advent of eukaryotic single-celled organisms) and finally at t ≅ 4.0 Gyr (the Cambrian explosion) may be associated with three multi-Myr-duration cosmic showers of the complex-scalar-field CDM particles. If so, the signature of the particles may be detectible in Cambrian rocks.

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