
Abstract. The aim of the study. Assessment of the degree of toxemia in patients with liver cirrhosis with hepatic encephalopathy.
 Materials and methods. The study involved 95 patients with LC who were hospitalized from 2018 to 2020 in the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Surgical and Gastroenterological Departments of the Transcarpathian Regional Clinical Hospital. Andriy Novak (Uzhhorod). Using the method of complex toxicometry, studies of the mechanisms of formation and development of toxicosis were performed. To study the participation of toxins in the formation of autoimmune reactions, the content of lymphocytes that form rosettes with autologous erythrocytes was determined. The method of cytolytic activity of leukocytes was used to study the damaging effect of toxins on biological targets.
 Results. According to the obtained data, in all studied patients with LC there was a significant increase in cytolytic and autoimmune activity of whole plasma. It was found that the highest levels of cytolytic activity were observed in patients with LC II and III groups (57.90 ± 2.27) and (56.50 ± 2.11) %, respectively; the smallest — in patients with LC III and I groups (49.8 ± 5.2) and (50.59 ± 2.12) %, respectively). In all patients with cirrhosis of the liver on protein toxin-bearing fractions (albumins, globulins) there was a predominant accumulation of toxins with a particle size of 10-200 nm.
 Conclusions. In all patients with cirrhosis of the liver on protein toxin-bearing fractions (albumins, globulins) there was a predominant accumulation of toxins with a particle size of 10-200 nm. Toxins with particle sizes greater than 200 nm were found in patients with group III PE, which had a strong connection with protein toxin-bearing fractions. The highest levels of cytolytic activity were observed in patients with LC of groups II and III (57.90 ± 2.27) and (56.50 ± 2.11) %, respectively; the smallest — in patients with LC III and I groups (49.8 ± 5.2) and (50.59 ± 2.12) %, respectively. The highest level of autoimmune activity was found in patients of group II (52.41 ± 3.56) %; the lowest — in patients with cerebral palsy from group I (50.36 ± 3.2).


  • The method of cytolytic activity of leukocytes was used to study the damaging effect of toxins on biological targets

  • It was found that the highest levels of cytolytic activity were observed in patients

  • there was a predominant accumulation of toxins with a particle size

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У всіх досліджуваних хворих на ЦП спостерігалося значне підвищення цитолітичної та автоімунної активності цільної плазми. У всіх хворих на цироз печінки на білкових токсиннесучих фракціях (альбуміни, глобуліни) відбувалося переважне накопичення токсинів з розміром часток 10-200 нм. Для вивчення участі токсинів у формуванні автоімунних реакцій, визначали вміст лімфоцитів, які утворюють розетки з автологічними еритроцитами, після їх інкубування з цільною плазмою, токсиннесучими фракціями плазми й токсинами з різними розмірами часток.

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