
Cystine determination is a critical biochemical test for the diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of the lysosomal storage disease cystinosis. The classical mixed-leukocyte cystine assay requires prompt specialized recovery/isolation following blood drawing, providing cystine concentrations normalized to total protein from assorted types of white blood cells, each with varying cystine content. We present a new workflow for cystine determination using immunomagnetic granulocyte purification, and new reference ranges established from 47 patient and 27 obligate heterozygote samples assayed. Samples were collected in acid-citrate dextrose tubes and their stability was proven to allow for overnight shipping before analysis. Cystine was quantified by LC-MS/MS. The new method was reproducible (<15% root mean square error) and specific, assaying purified granulocytes from blood samples that no longer required immediate preparation and therefore allowing for up to 30 h before processing. There was a nearly a 2-fold increase in the therapeutic target (1.9 nmol half-cystine/mg protein) range, established using distributions of patient, obligate heterozygote, and control samples. The 2.5-97.5 percentile ranges (-2 SD to +2 SD around mean) for these cohorts were 0.67-6.05 nmol/mg protein for patients, 0.33-1.35 nmol/mg protein for obligate heterozygotes, and 0.09-0.35 nmol/mg protein for controls. The intracellular cystine determination method using immunopurified granulocytes followed by LC-MS/MS analysis improves the inherent variability of mixed leukocyte analysis and eliminates the need for immediate sample preparation following blood draw.

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