
The article focused on the Heidelberg epit­ome , which was written in the Middle Ages and was an anony­mous summary of events after the death of Alex­ander. In the study, firstly, was given general infor­mation about the primary sources of events after Alex­ander. The an­cient historians usually preferred to study this period un­der the name of the history of Diadochi (Successors). How­ever, contemporary historiographers such as Hie­ronymus and Nymphis, have studied this pe­riod under two headings as Diadochi and Epigoni. In this article, the sources of Diadochi are examined under three headings as universal history, thematic history and epitome . The works of thematic history and epitome do not survive to the present day in its complete form, but various refer­ences to it have survived. Most of it co­mes from the Roman period and is necessarily deriva­tive. It is particu­larly difficult to re-create the original sources. The exact date of Heidelberg epitome and the name of the epitoma­tor are unknown. Heidelberg epit­ome , which was written in a late period, is not a primary and original source com­pared to the works dealt with the history of the Diadochi. However, this epitome is one of the well-preserved works after Arrian’s Events after Alexander . It is understood from the remaining fragments of epitome that it began with the death of the Alexander and ended with the events in 305/304 BC which Antigonus, Ptolemy, Lysi­machus had proclaim­ed themselves kings. There are some historical errors in Heidelberg that result from the use of different resour­ces or the scholar who summarizes the text. However, Heidelberg came out to be the same as that of nearly all the sources for the Diadochi, and it is simple and obvi­ous. The ultimate source of historical material is uncer­tain. Besides it certainly used Hierony­mus as his pri­mary source.

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