
Deep learning and big data techniques have become increasingly popular in traffic flow forecasting. Deep neural networks have also been applied to traffic flow forecasting. Furthermore, it is difficult to determine whether neural networks can be used for accurate traffic flow prediction. Moreover, since the network model is poorly structured and the parameter optimization technique is inappropriate, the traffic flow prediction is inaccurate because of the lack of certainty. The proposed system overcomes these problems by combining multiple simple recurrent long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks with time traits to predict traffic flow using a deep gated stacked neural network. To deepen the model, the hidden layers have been trained using an unsupervised layer-by-layer approach. This approach provides a systematic representation of the time series data. A systematic representation of hidden layers improves the accuracy of time series forecasting by capturing information at multiple levels. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of model structure, random weight initialization, and hyperparameters used in stacked LSTM to enhance predictive performance. The prediction efficacy of the deep gated stacked LSTM model is compared with that of the gated recurrent unit model and the stacked autoencoder model.

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