
Exploration and development activities in Western Canada during 1960 showed an over-all decline although expenditures are estimated to have decreased only slightly owing to deeper, more costly drilling, and increased exploration drilling and seismic in the remote northerly regions. Alberta still led the other provinces by substantial margins in all phases except surface mapping. There was a slight decrease in the over-all number of wells drilled from 2,551 to 2,516. Exploratory tests, which accounted for a slightly smaller percentage of the total, declined 13% to 818. Success of exploratory drilling remained at 30% and gas discoveries (147) again exceeded oil discoveries (102). The Northwest Territories recorded its first gas discovery, and other important gas finds were made in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and northeastern British Columbia. Development drilling centered mainly in the oil fields of Pembina and Swan Hills region, Alberta, and southeastern Saskatchewan. Exploration was marked by increased activity in the northern regions, and a severe decline in Saskatchewan. Geophysical work continued to decline, down 16% to 563 months compared with 1959's 30% decline; and surface mapping also declined for the first time (down 22% to 280 months). Crude oil production reached a new high of 192 million bbls., up 4½% on 1959 for a cumulative of 1.46 billion bbls. Gas production was up 22% to 585 BCF for a cumulative of 4.55 TCF. Liquid hydrocarbon remaining reserves increased by about 216 million bbls. to 4.2 billion bbls., a 5½% increase as compared with a 10½% increase in 1959; gas reserves showed a 16% increase to 30.5 TCF. Sulphur reserves increased 8% to 55 million long tons. Final approvals were given during the year for the export of 800 million cu. ft. of gas per day into the United States. Land holdings decreased slightly by 4% to 256 million acres mainly as a result of surrenders on the mainland (57 MM acres) being offset to a large extent by new holdings (47 MM acres) in the Arctic Islands.

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