
In the current study, we aimed to investigate an Iranian English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher’s cognitions about second language (L2) writing and feedback. Using longitudinal data from a writing instructor (i.e. Moe) over the course of eight years, we examined data from three rounds of interviews (i.e. in 2013, 2016, and 2021), stimulated recalls (i.e. in 2016 and 2021), and textual analysis of students’ essays with Moe’s feedback on them. We also employed a sociocultural-theory-driven approach to analysing these data in order to gain an understanding of the genesis, development, and mediation in his cognitions. Our analysis showed that Moe’s cognitions about L2 writing and feedback developed in a nonlinear fashion. For instance, his feedback provision developed from comprehensive grammar correction into selective grammar feedback. In addition, Moe’s 2016 feedback practices included mostly negative feedback, while, in 2021, his feedback incorporated instances of positive feedback at the end of essays. We also pinpointed the variables which mediated these developments in Moe’s cognitions. Specifically, we found out that Moe’s expanding teaching experiences, his interactions with colleagues/mentors, and his professors at different institutions mediated the developments we identified in his cognitions in 2013, 2016, and 2021.

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