
The aim of the work is to develop a methodology for assessing the professionalism of the modern young pharmacist as the main component of his socially responsible behavior, as well as to verify the reliability and validity.Materials and research methods. Information and grouping methods, comparison and statistical analysis, questionnaire survey and expert evaluation methods were used at this work. The materials of the study were the results of the expert assessment of the professional knowledge, skills and personal qualities of young pharmacists, carried out by 453 specialists in the retail segment of the pharmaceutical market from 16 regions of four areas of Ukraine.Statement of the main provisions. The proposed method “Estimation of SRB of a pharmacist (young specialist)”, the algorithm of which is implemented during seven stages: formation of assessment positions ® grouping them into homogeneous blocks of parameters ® standardization of an assessment scale ® processing a questionnaire ® conducting an expert survey ® statistical processing of assessment results ® checking for indicators reliability.The experimental version of the method contained 57 items, grouped into three blocks of assessment parameters: knowledge (the specialist has the necessary professional knowledge) - 16 parameters; skills (a specialist knows how to exercise or has professional competencies) - 21 parameters; qualities (the specialist has professional and personal competences) - 20 parameters.The results were subjected to statistical processing using non-parametric analysis methods and tested for reliability indicators: compliance with normal distribution, calculated median, lower and upper quarters, correlation indicators, indicator of internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha). Also, the calculation of the indicators of “Alpha Cronbach when deleting a point” for each position of all blocks of parameters was made. The statistics of this indicator for the three blocks indicates that no position can be deleted.Conclusions. A seven-step methodology for assessing the professionalism of a modern young pharmacist as the main component of his socially responsible behavior has been worked out. The reliability of the indicators of this methodology was calculated (Cronbach's alpha, Cronbach's standardized alpha, interpositional covariance and correlation), the results of which indicate the normal distribution of all scales, excellent reliability and positive relationships between the positions of all the parameter blocks.


  • Результати опрацювали статистично, використовуючи методи непараметричного аналізу, перевірили на показники надійності – відповідності нормальному розподілу, розрахували медіану, нижній і верхній квартилі, показники кореляції, показник внутрішньої узгодженості

  • The proposed method “Estimation of SRB of a pharmacist”, the algorithm of which is implemented during seven stages: formation of assessment positions → grouping them into homogeneous blocks of parameters → standardization of an assessment scale → processing a questionnaire → conducting an expert survey → statistical processing of assessment results → checking for indicators reliability

  • The calculation of the indicators of “Alpha Cronbach when deleting a point” for each position of all blocks of parameters was made. The statistics of this indicator for the three blocks indicates that no position can be deleted

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Оriginal research

Мета роботи – опрацювати методику оцінювання професіоналізму сучасного молодого провізора як основної складової його соціально відповідальної поведінки, а також здійснити перевірку надійності та валідності. Опрацювали 7-етапну методику оцінювання професіоналізму сучасного молодого провізора як основної складової його соціально відповідальної поведінки. Цель работы – разработать методику оценки профессионализма современного молодого провизора как основной составляющей его социально ответственного поведения, а также осуществить проверку надежности и валидности. The proposed method “Estimation of SRB of a pharmacist (young specialist)”, the algorithm of which is implemented during seven stages: formation of assessment positions → grouping them into homogeneous blocks of parameters → standardization of an assessment scale → processing a questionnaire → conducting an expert survey → statistical processing of assessment results → checking for indicators reliability. The statistics of this indicator for the three blocks indicates that no position can be deleted

Віковий показний
Показники надійності альфа Кронбаха
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