
Creativity is the result of a creative thinking process. Creative thinking refers to higher-order thinking processes, this skill is indispensable in the 4.0 revolution era because of the complexity in all aspects of modern life. One of the learning models that can facilitate students in developing their creative thinking skills is Problem Based Learning and the use of printed teaching materials, namely Student Worksheets. The research objective is to produce LKPD based on Problem Based Learning to improve the creative thinking skills of students in class XI SMA. This type of research is development research using the Plomp model. The Plomp model development phase consists of a primary research phase, a development or prototyping phase, and an assessment phase. The instruments used are validity assessment sheets, practicality assessment sheets and essay questions to assess their effectiveness. The results showed that the LKPD based on Problem Based Larning was very valid with a value of 83.25% based on the validation carried out by the validator. The results of the practicality assessment by the teacher showed a value of 94.17% with very practical criteria and the results of the practicality assessment by students getting a score of 87.52% with very practical criteria. The results of the effectiveness test showed that based on the N-Gain Score test conducted in the experimental class, the score was 0.71 in the high category, while the control class scored 0.48 in the medium category, while based on the hypothesis test, it was found that the use of problem-based worksheets was Based Learning is effective in improving students' creative thinking skills. So it can be concluded that the Problem Based Learning-based worksheets that have been developed are very valid, very practical, and effective..


  • 21st Century Learning is an era dominated by knowledge of brain development, science learning in the 21st century, to prepare students to have creative, innovative, critical thinking, problem solving, communicative, collaborative, ICT literacy and leadership skills [1]

  • Based on the initial investigation conducted by the researchers, it can be concluded that students are passive in the discussion and question and answer process, students have difficulty in conveying new ideas/new ideas during the learning process and the LKPD used during learning in schools is not yet based on Problem Based Learning and training. creative thinking skills of students

  • RESEARCH METHOD The type of research conducted by the researcher is Research and Development which is used to produce LKPD based on Problem Based Learning

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21st Century Learning is an era dominated by knowledge of brain development, science learning in the 21st century, to prepare students to have creative, innovative, critical thinking, problem solving, communicative, collaborative, ICT literacy and leadership skills [1]. One alternative that can improve students' creative thinking skills and self-confidence is through the development of Problem Based Learning (PBL) devices with a Scientific Approach. The main role of the teacher in Problem Based Learning is to guide or facilitate, so that students can develop critical thinking skills and be able to solve problems effectively. From the description that has been described previously, the authors are interested in conducting research on "Development of Student Worksheets Based on Problem Based Learning to Improve Creative Thinking Skills of Class XI High School Students. The result of the percentage assessment is determined by the formula [10]: Practicality Score =(Total Score obtained)/(Total highest score) x100% 0-20% = Impractical 21-40%= Less Practical 41-60%= Quite Practical 61-80%= Practical 81-100%=Very Practical In the effectiveness assessment stage, the researcher assesses the creative thinking skills of students as an effectiveness variable. The pretest and posttest data for students' creative thinking skills were calculated using the N-Gain Score test with the formula [11]: N-Gain Score= (posttest score- pretest score)/(ideal score- pretest score) After testing the N-Score, hypothesis testing is carried out using the Independent Sample T-Test using SPSS 17 software

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