
In the article, the authors consider creative industries as a modern and rapidly developing sector of the international economy. Today, the creative industries sector is a priority in the state policy of both developed and developing economies of the world. The creative economy as an interconnected system of subjects of various spheres of economic, cultural and social spheres of activity is of great importance for reducing regional socio-economic disparity. In the course of the study, the authors accumulated international classifi ers of the activity types in creative economy. The authors analyzed the international experience of the development of creative industries, as well as a comparative analysis of the state policies of Great Britain, Germany and Russia in the fi eld under study. The authors came to the conclusion that the domestic model of the development of creative industries is at the initial stage of development, due to the lack of suffi cient regulatory and legal regulation, measures of systemic support for creative industries. It is established that positive experience of foreign countries is applied in Russia both at the federal and regional levels.However, in order to achieve the goals of the Concept and Russia’s entry into the average economic indicators, it requires the development of institutional support mechanisms, as well as the adoption of comprehensive state programs and support measures. Based on the results of the comparative analysis, the authors proposed recommended support measures for the studied area.

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