
Writing skills in Indonesian language learning include many texts. One of them is short story text. However, sometimes, learning to write short stories becomes boring. This happens if the teacher does not provide innovation and the right strategy in the learning process so that it runs effectively in accordance with the learning objectives. The development of science and technology requires teachers to be able to develop skills in making learning media. This research uses the Research and Development method and the model used is ADDIE. This research method is used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these products. Based on the assessment of design experts, a score of 85.71% was obtained, an assessment by media experts obtained a percentage score of 85.71%, and a material expert assessment with a percentage score of 90%. Based on the results of validation conducted by design experts and media experts, the results obtained are included in the "Very Feasible" category. Then from the results of the student response questionnaire obtained a score of 92%. The results of the assessment by media experts are 85.71%, so it can be concluded that the feasibility of Digital Scrapbook learning media on the material of writing short story text is included in the "Very Feasible" category, meaning that the development of Digital Scrapbook learning media on the material of writing short story text for students of class XI MP 1 SMK Negeri 1 Probolinggo is "Very Feasible" to be used in Indonesian language learning.

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