
Since 1998, the French National Federation of Comprehensive Cancer Centres (FNCLCC) has led an information program dedicated to patients and their relatives: the SOR SAVOIR PATIENT (SSP) program.The program is provided by the FNCLCC, the twenty French regional cancer centres (CLCC), the National League Against Cancer (LCC), the French National Cancer Institute (INCa), the French Hospital Federation (FHF), the National Oncology Federation of Regional and University Hospitals (FNCCHRU), the French Oncology Federation of General Hospitals (FFCHG), the National Private Hospital Union for Oncology (UNHPC), the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) and a large number of learned societies. The methodology of the program adheres to the quality criteria established for publishing documents containing information for patients.Issues related to the sexual health of cancer patients and their partners too often remain underestimated and even completely neglected by health professionals, although healthcare providers are increasingly interested in this area and patients frequently confront them with questions about this aspect of their lives. The development of an SOR SAVOIR PATIENT informational guide on the various issues related to sexuality during and after cancer treatment constitutes a first step in addressing the needs of cancer patients and others concerned.This article describes the first stage in the development of a specific SOR SAVOIR PATIENT guide that focuses on the general availability of informational material in French on the sexual health of patients and their partners during and after cancer treatment.

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