
Experimentally measuring electronic properties could have a significant impactin determining the kinetics of aged plutonium alloys. Phase stability ofplutonium alloys can be assessed by using modified empirical electronic modelsin conjunction with measurements of electronic and magnetic properties ofplutonium alloys. The issues surrounding the evaluation of aged plutoniumalloys and the evolution of electronic-based alloy theories as applied to theprediction of the solubility of gallium in plutonium are presented. Usingsolid solution thermodynamics in combination with these electronic models, thephase diagram for dilute solid solutions can be estimated.There are numerous measurements that could be used to determine therelationship between a material's phase stability and its electronicstructure. The measured properties of interest here are the Seebeckcoefficient (thermopower), Hall coefficient and electrical resistivity.Combining three property measurements (or three other phase sensitiveproperties) into a three-dimensional plot with a specific property on eachaxis, a region of space will be formed that describes the stability of thephase. Also, the implications of assessing electronic data with thismethodology are discussed.

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