
The article describes the development of an automated system for disinfection of premises. This task has become especially urgent during the Coronavirus pandemic. This is a type of SARS, which includes hundreds of different viruses that cause, at least, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. The main way of protection is prevention. The relevance of the article is determined by the need for air purification in working rooms. During the pandemic, closed-type recirculators were used to solve the problem of disinfection of premises, which work only with the air passing through them, but do not affect microorganisms and viruses on surfaces and furniture in the room in any way. The article deals with the development of an automated cleaning system for premises using ultraviolet lamps operating in various modes in working rooms. The authors present a description of the structure of an automated system designed to disinfect air and surfaces in rooms of all categories in order to prevent bacterial contamination in the absence of people. The system consists of a software part with a user interface that allows you to configure devices in accordance with the working hours of employees, and a hardware part based on a microcontroller that determines the program of operation of the device. An original algorithm for the functioning of the system and the program interface has been developed. The development results have been tested. The advantages and novelty of the developed system are as follows: • The developed algorithm allows disinfection of the room (air and surfaces) in automatic mode with the ability to set operating modes in accordance with the nature of the tasks performed by employees. • Sound notification of the beginning and end of processing. • The proposed arrangement of disinfection lamps (integrated into the lighting system) allows you to clean both the indoor air space and the surfaces. The developed software and device can be used in all types of premises for their high-quality disinfection.

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